Essential items you should pack for your next trip

You are getting away on a beautiful trip very soon but the questionwhat should I pack?” keeps going through your head. Only a few days left till your trip and you are panicking becasue you don’t know what to take? Well…don’t panic further becasue we have got you covered. Here we have some tips and  a list of things you should pack if you are going on any sort of trip.

At Bottom of the article there is a quick check list with Items you should take to help you quickly check if you have everything you might need

What to pack


  •  Passport
  • ID
  • Bank Card
  • drivers license (if required) 
  • vaccination certificates (if required) 
  • accomidation confirmation 
  • any medical perscribtions

Documents are really important to take especcially your passport becasue without one youre not gonna be able to enter countries from abroad. Although some countries you can travel with just your ID

ALWAYS! ALWAYS TAKE YOUR WALLET! (with cash and bank card of course) – its always good to have two bank accounts when your traveling incase you loose one bank card by accidnet. 


Make sure you’re up to date with mandatory vaccinations needed in some countires and take vaccine certificates for proof if they are required for your trip. It’s always a good idea to do a quick research on what kind of vaccinations you might need for said country. 

Any medication you’re taking and you think you might run out while on your trip be sure to take more perscriptions with you or stock up in advance before your trip this will save you hassle if you do run out whlle you’re away.


  • Underwear – 1 for each night spent, plus one extra
  • Socks – 1 for each night spent, plus one extra
  • T-shirts – both long and short sleeve
  • Pants – 1 extra
  • Sweater
  • Jacket
  • Gloves/hat (if applicable)
  • Sandals/flip flops (if applicable)
  • Shoes

Always take extra pieces of clothing as some might get dirty unexpectedly and you might not have anywhere to wash them since you’re away from home.

You should always take warm clothes with you even if you are going to really high temperature countries.  you can get cold even in tropical destinations. Main reason being your body will adjust to the hot temperatre quite quickly so when a chillier night time breeze hits you, you might feel cold so its better to be prepared than freezing.

Even when you are waiting at the airport you might get cold form not doing anything active, also when you’re in the plane at higher altitudes the temperature tends to be lower than usual so you could get cold while you’re in the air.


  • Phone
  • Phone charger 
  • Charger adapters
  • Portable charger
  • Headphones / Earphones
  • Camera
  • Any other charging cables that are needed

In this day and age not a lot of people leave their home without their phone so theres a tiny chance you’ll forget it, but on the other had you might forget your chager so simply pack a spare charger with adaptor into your suitcase with clothes etc. its always good to take an extra charging cable just incase. This will also help you save some money as you won’t need to buy one when you’re at your destination.  

Take a portable charger with you also as you never know when you might need a bit of extra charge on your phone especcialy traveling for long periods of time without acces to any electricity.

Take you’re headphones with you, it will give you a much more plesent time while waiting about in airports etc, or even when youre relaxing in the sun on a tropical island.


  •  Shower gel / body wash
  • Shampoo 
  • Tooth brush 
  • Tooth paste
  • Deodorant
  • Face wash
  • Sun Cream (if required)
  • Hand / Skincare creams
  • Hair Brushes / Combs
  • Make up
  • Wet wipes
  • Hand sanatizer

Basic toiletries are neccessary so you can keep clean and smell nice when you are exploring becasue who wants to walk about sweaty and smelly? No one. So make sure you pack all the esssentials for freshing youreslf up whenever needed. Although some hotel bathrooms will already have shower gel there its always better to take your own favourite kind.

If going to really hot and sunny coutries its always good to pack suncream so you don’t get burnt by the tropical sun.

If you ware make up make sure to take everything you might need also make sure to take hair brush or a comb

First aid

  • Any medication you are taking
  • Stomach tablets
  • Pain Killers 
  • Fever Tablets (hayfever)
  • Plaster 
  • Bandage

It’s good to make a homemade first aid kit  and take it with you on your trip because its better to be prapared for the unexpeced than dealing with it when it happens.

You never know when you might get a litle cut here or there and you are in need of a plaster with no nearby shops

If you get travel sicknes it’s a good idea to take something which will help you not feel sick such as stomach tablets.

Maybe a headache from too much travel stress? Make sure to take pian killers such as paracetamol to help oyu feel better, because no one wants to travel in pain.

quick check Suitcase Check list


  • Passport
  • ID
  • Bank Card
  • drivers license (if required) 
  • vaccination certificates (if required) 
  • accomidation confirmation 
  • any medical perscribtions


  • Underwear – 1 for each night spent, plus one extra
  • Socks – 1 for each night spent, plus one extra
  • T-shirts – both long and short sleeve
  • Pants – 1 extra
  • Sweater
  • Jacket
  • Shoe


  •  Shower gel / body wash
  • Shampoo 
  • Tooth brush 
  • Tooth paste
  • Deodorant
  • Face wash
  • Hairbrush
  • Make up (if required) 


  • Phone
  • Phone charger 
  • Charger adapters
  • Portable charger
  • Headphones / Earphone

Thank You for reading hopefully after this article you’ll have a much clearer idea of what to pack for your next beautiful get away.

DC – Team Paradise


Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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